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Monday, 25 January 2016


A lot of Christians live their lives on the basis of whether they believe they're under the Law or not. Some see the laws of the Old Testament as mandatory even now, and shun people who don't abide by them. Some others consider anything spoken under the Old Testament as not relevant to them, and therefore totally disregard it. But I tell you this, whether the Law of Moses or the Law of Christ, whether the Old Testament or New Testament, God's Will governs over all. And His Will is made manifest in His Word. The problem is that lots of people read the Bible as letters; the letters kill but the Spirit gives Life. Even Satan quoted the Word to Jesus. For a Believer, quoting the Word shouldn't be just about reciting the words, it should be about conveying/communicating/ministering the Spirit of the Word.
In all the commandments and instructions and guidelines that God has given to man from Genesis till now, these things are paramount:
√ Put God first.
√ Give God your first, your best, and even your all.
√ Love God
√ Love your fellow man and treat him right.
When you go through the Word of God in all its entirety, the Will of God and His Nature are evident, and cannot be mistaken. Abiding by what He says, does and Who He is, is what matters. So don't give yourself the excuse of acting or not acting based on which Testament you were born into. It's true that God's Word, His Rhema comes to us based on who we are, what we are, where we are, what we're doing, and where we're going to. And most of the accounts of the Bible have to do with different people in these different cases. But it has all been documented to reveal God, Who He is and what He does. Don't read the Bible just to know facts and principles, read the Bible to know Him. And the more you know Him, the more you can become like Him.
If you're hungry and food is set before you, will you say, "I won't eat with my hand because that's how old folks did it centuries ago. I'll eat with fork and knife because I'm a modern day person, and that's how we roll" ? If it's fork and knife you see, you use it; if it's spoon, you use it; if no cutlery, you'd better make use of your God-given hands! That was what happened to Peter in his trance; he ignored instruction and wanted to act in a particular way, but God took him to a higher level - abiding by His Will (the Gospel was for all mankind, not just the Jews) and Nature (Love and compassion).
And Jesus has made it so easy for us, by reconciling us to God and now we share His Divine Nature. As if that was not enough, He gave us His Holy Spirit to live inside of us and lead us. Can you imagine, the very Author of the Book lives in us; why then do we always argue about the words of the Book? Because we're more interested in living the way we think is best for us (and therefore interpret God's Word as we choose), rather than getting to know and understand the Author of our lives.
Stop the arguments, stop the stereotyping. Focus on knowing and walking with the Lord, and His very Nature will flow out of you, and cause you to do right at every point in time, fulfilling His Will. And by so doing, you'll draw people to Him, not to doctrines.

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