Faith is now, yet the trying of faith works Patience. Faith is not that it will be, but that it has happened, yet you have to wait for that which is unseen to become seen. That it is not yet seen doesn't mean that it is not real. Reality is not about what is seen in the physical world, Reality is what God says IS. But in this world of seasons and times, there's need for patience for its manifestation in this physical realm. Never let what you see in the physical fool you.
For everything there's a preparation, there's an expectation, and there's a birthing. The physical realm doesn't show the preparation and expectation, only the birthing. But did it all start from the birthing?
No. Does a child come into existence only after being born? No. There was a preparation, there was an expectation before the birthing.
While preparing and expecting, patiently wait for the birthing. Once the Lord has spoken, once you see it in your spirit, once you have conceived of it, it becomes Real. Your faith is the declaration of that Reality even before its bursting forth into this physical realm. Your faith pushes it out from the spiritual realm into the physical realm. The birthing is not what makes it real, the birthing is just the end process, the manifestation for the world of the senses to see. That is why judging by the physical senses is wrong judgement. That is why not having money in your pocket doesn't mean you're not rich. That is why experiencing those symptoms in your body doesn't mean you don't have Divine Health. Take God's Word as your Truth, believe it, see it for what it is. That is your preparation and expectation. Then begin to declare it, and the birthing process has begun. Your declaring it is not to make it real, it already IS. You're declaring it because that is what you see, that is what you know, that is what you believe. And what you see, what you know, what you believe is what you say, it is what you talk about.
That interval between the preparation, expectation and birthing is where Patience does her work. And that is where your faith is tested. Where all else around you physically says otherwise, would you continue to declare that which you have already conceived in your spiritual womb? Or would you abort it with doubt? Would you continue to prepare and remain expectant, pushing to the point of birthing? Your faith needs patience, and your patience needs faith. Patience without faith is torturous endurance that may not produce result.
Start with faith, and perfect with patience. Don't let go of either of them, and all that God has said concerning you will surely be perfected in your life.
(Read James1:2-4)
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