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Monday, 26 October 2015


If you're not ready to let go of something, then you're not ready to receive something else. A lot of us want to accumulate and just keep on accumulating. But we ought to know that there are times we need to make room for bigger things by letting go of some other things we already have. Usually to get something of value, you have to pay a price.

Even Jesus had to pay a price - He obtained the prize at the cost of being made human and dying both physically and spiritually on the cross.
The more you give of yourself for the sake of your allegiance to God, the more He repays you with far more than what you gave up;  and He will exalt you far higher than you could have ever achieved if you hadn't given up anything.
Your focus? The prize, not the pain. And eventually, instead of pain, you would feel joy, just as the Apostles rejoiced at being jailed and flogged for the sake of Jesus.
A woman at childbirth would do better if she focuses more on the coming forth of her child, than on the pain of childbirth. Eventually, facing pangs of childbirth becomes a joy to her because it signifies the coming forth of yet another baby.
A student before an exam would do better if he focuses more on being the best in the class, rather than on the rigors of studying. Eventually, studying for an oncoming exam becomes a joy to him because it signifies that yet another promotion is at hand.
God has given all His children all of His treasures to enjoy. But not all of His children will have the privilege and honour of the highest positions. When you show God your love by not withholding anything from Him and by not thinking it too much of a cost to make yourself of no reputation for His sake, then He Himself will exalt you to one of those high positions.
Be wise

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